Positive Displacement Flow Meter - B1750

Positive Displacement

The Blancett positive displacement flow meter provides high measurement accuracy for fluids over a wide viscosity range. Applications include lubricants, fuels, chemicals and solvents, oils and greases. With only 2 moving parts, the positive displacement meter offers trouble free operation and long service life. The meter is bi-directional and it has an extremely large turndown ratio, up to 400:1 in some models - with full accuracy at extremely low flow rates.

  • Accuracy: +/- 0.5% of reading
  • Repeatability: +/- 0.1%
  • Operating Temperature:  
    • -20 °F to +185 °F (-29 °C to +85 °C) aluminum
    • -20 °F to +400 °F (-29 °C to +204 °C) stainless steel
  • End Connections: NPT (female), 1/4", 1/2", 3/4", 1-1/4" options
  • Common Materials: 440 stainless steel, tungsten carbide, Teflon®

Positive Displacement Flow Meter - B1750

Operating Principle

Fluid entering the meter drives two gears. A non-intrusive sensor detects the movement of the gears and produces a square wave pulse for each gear tooth that passes the path of the sensor face. The resulting pulse frequency is proportional to the actual flow rate, and it provides a highly accurate representation of the fluid flow. The meter is relatively insensitive to changes in viscosity and there is no need for straight run piping.