PT2060/43 R-RELAY Redundant-Relay Module

ProvibTech’s PT2060/43 R-RELAY redundant-relay module has 16 channels. Each channel on the relay module can be fully programmed to perform needed voting logic.

Redundant-Relays The PT2060/43 module has two separated control circuit. The upper one controls 8 relays. And the down one controls the rest of the 8 relays. PT2060/43 can be programmed via. the PT2060-CFG configuration software. PT2060/43 can only located on slot 4, 8 or 12. Slot 1-4, 5-8, and 912 forms three group. Each group are triple redundant in channels. The redundant relay module will perform logic to the channels. The upper 8 relays and the lower 8 relays perform similar function to realize the redundancy in alarms.

PT2060/43 R-RELAY Redundant-Relay Module

PT2060/43 R-RELAY Redundant-Relay Module