CBM Vision Software

Condition Monitoring Software for vibration and machine analysis

Gives Machine Saver users access to the sensors’ dynamic data such as spectrum, time waveform as well as trending and alarms.

CBMVision also gives the Machine Saver user a color coded dashboard with which to see all the machines general condition at a glance. Drill down from the dashboard and see trends, alarms and dynamic data for each machine.

The CBMVision software will automatically analyze the dynamic vibration data and provide some actionable direction on what might be causing the machine’s increased levels of vibration such as misalignment or out of balance conditions.

  • CBMvision uses a proprietary DB system with zero admin needed
  • CBMvision uses the MIMOSA schema (www.mimosa.org)
  • CBMvision is a multi-database system that can leverage cloud services for scalability
  • CBMvision primary integration mechanism is OPC (www.opcfoundation.org)
CBMVision Software

CBMVision Software